Wildflower, Art, & Garden Show Sponsorship
Thank you for sponsoring the Niles Wildflower, Art, & Garden Show! This event brings visitors to our neighborhood and businesses and raises funds for other Niles Main Street Association events throughout the year.
Benefits of a $100 dollar or more sponsorship include:
Business, organization, or name on garden location posters, posted at the check-in table, and on the front page of the tour map.
Two Garden Tour tickets.
Thank you for sponsoring the Niles Wildflower, Art, & Garden Show! This event brings visitors to our neighborhood and businesses and raises funds for other Niles Main Street Association events throughout the year.
Benefits of a $100 dollar or more sponsorship include:
Business, organization, or name on garden location posters, posted at the check-in table, and on the front page of the tour map.
Two Garden Tour tickets.
Thank you for sponsoring the Niles Wildflower, Art, & Garden Show! This event brings visitors to our neighborhood and businesses and raises funds for other Niles Main Street Association events throughout the year.
Benefits of a $100 dollar or more sponsorship include:
Business, organization, or name on garden location posters, posted at the check-in table, and on the front page of the tour map.
Two Garden Tour tickets.