The Niles Dog Show!

Once a year, Niles goes to the dogs!


Furry Friends Rescue and Niles Main Street Association

A fun show for all the family, there are competition classes for every dog, featuring Best Costume, Best Dog/Person Look-Alike, Most Unusual Mix, Prettiest Female, Most Handsome Male, and a grand finale Best in Show class.

Enjoy the doggie water park, professional canine demonstrations, informative booths, and food vendors for human companions!


Show Highlights

Competition Classes

  • Best Costume

  • Best Dog/Person Look-Alike

  • Most Unusual Mix

  • Prettiest Female

  • Most Handsome Male

  • Best in Show (chosen from the 1st place winners in each of the above)

  • Be A Sponsor

    Your sponsorship makes this event happen. Without you, there would be no show! There are various sponsorship levels to choose from, each providing different benefits for your company or organization.

  • Apply for a Booth

    Your business can benefit from the many visitors at the Niles Dog Show by having a booth! In your 10' x 10' space, you can sell products or share information.

  • Apply for a Rescue Space

    The show highlights rescue dogs and raises awareness for your organization. It also teaches the public about responsible dog ownership when looking to adopt.

  • Register Your Dog

    Register your dog for our fun competitions! Your dog can enter multiple classes if it is at least 6 months old. If you have more than one dog, please register each separately.